Blog 11. The Rich Legacies of Writing of the EOC

እኛ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ምእመናን የትልቅ ታሪክ ችቦ ተሸካሞች ነን። ችቦውን መሸከም መስቀለ ሞቱን የመሸከም ያህል ይከብዳል፤ ግን የኩሩው ማንነት መታወቂያችን ስለሆነ ከባዱን ሸክም በደስታና በጸጋ እንሸከመዋለን። ስለችቦውና ስለ አቀጣጣዮቹ ተናገር ስላሉኝ ተደስቻለሁ።

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Tesfamichael MakonnenComment
Blog 5. Federalism and the Constitution by Prof. Alemente G. Selassie (2013)

Slightly more than two decades have passed since the TPLF enshrined ethnicity in the laws and constitution of the country as the foundation as well as the guiding principle of statecraft and inter- ethnic relations. The experience gained during this period of our political history is more than adequate for assessing the wisdom of structuring government on such an emotionally charged, divisive and unstable basis. 

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Tesfamichael MakonnenComment
Blog 4. Rule of Law and Governance (in Amharic) by Dr. Getatchew Haile (2013)

መንግሥትና ሕግ አንዱ ያለሌላው የማይኖር የዓይንና የብርሃን ጋብቻዎች ናቸው። ጋብቻው ሕይወታቸው ስለሆነ፥ ብርሃኑ ቢደበዝዝ፥ ወይም ዓይኑ ቢደክም ብርሃኑ ቦግ የሚልበት፥ ዓይኑ የሚጠነክርበት መንገድ ይፈለግላቸዋል እንጂ አይፋቱም። 

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Blog 3. China and Africa by Dr. Berhanu Abegaz (2013)

China’s determined economic engagement with Africa has raised concerns about human rights being submerged under non-interference, and the tenuous movements toward transparency of public-sector contracts being undermined by secrecy and corruption. A closer look at the involvement of China in Africa so far suggests, however, that the Chinese approach of pursuing narrow geo-economic interests, despite some novelties, hardly differs from that of the “democratic” West, India, or Japan. 

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