Virginia Declaration

After issuing so many press releases urging respect for the internationally-recognized human rights of political prisoners, prisoners of conscience, Muslim protestors, Amara victims of ethnic cleansing, Ethiopian immigrants in the Middle East, and the border giveaway, we are impelled to issue yet another one. 

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Human Rights Day 2015

Human Rights Day (HRD) is observed every year on December 10 as a commemoration of the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 2015 HRD is being marked in honor of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who first pronounced the four freedoms in his justly famous January 6, 1941 State of the Union speech. 

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Tesfamichael MakonnenComment
The 2015-16 Ethiopian Famine: Yet Another Avoidable Tragedy is Underway

Just as the world’s leading development agencies are vowing to finally make poverty history in the four corners of the globe and they are heaping praises on the Ethiopian Government for its “double- digit” economic growth rates and self-serving rhetoric about “transformation,” Ethiopia is once again under the grips of what appears to be yet another famine of “biblical proportion.”

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Tesfamichael Makonnen