Ethiopian Patriotism

We celebrate Ethiopiawinnet values that have long been taken for granted but served as a glue to keep Ethiopians united, unique, feared and independent in our first pillar, Patriotism.

As you may have noticed, over the past 40-50 years the very essence and values of Ethiopiawinnet have been attacked from almost all corners and directions. Ethiopia’s long history as a nation state, perhaps the first in the world has been reduced to less than a couple of 100 years. Its pride of staying independent and nation building in the face of mass colonization of African, Asian and American people has been characterized as colonial expansion. The wanton discrediting and disgracing of fine and time tested values and culture reached its climax with the coming to power of the present regime some 25 years ago.

Re-instilling pride in being Ethiopian is at the core what Ethiopiawinnet is about.  Through education of facts about Ethiopian history, Ethiopiawinnet hopes to arm patriotic Ethiopians with the information necessary to combat attacks on the very history which makes the nation so great.

    Take action now! 

    Promoting Patriotism

    We encourage you to share any of the below posts on social media:

    • Word of the day (Ethiopian values or word play)
    • Ethiopian figures such as Patriots, Statesmen, Artists, Educators, Scientists, Authors, etc.
    • Ethiopian Commemoration
    • Fact of the day - Uniquely Ethiopian 'Did you know?' facts

    EthioWarka blog